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Age 39, Male



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fabulous999's News

Posted by fabulous999 - April 1st, 2009

No, it's not Beebo. It's my latest work though and you should check it out and tell me what you think.

/* */

Posted by fabulous999 - March 10th, 2009

http://www.electronicbookreview.com/th read/firstperson/elective

Scroll about 3/4 of the way down or do a word search for "kaboom". Apparently there's some Howard Dean campaigning game that stole the game mechanics from my terrorist game. Fucking brilliant political move, I'm incredibly surprised this didn't become a headline on Fox news.

See my game "The Suicide Bomber Game" if you're clueless.

Howard Dean's Suicide Bomber Game

Posted by fabulous999 - February 6th, 2009

It's no secret I'm a lazy fucker. I think Beebo episodes have averaged about one per year by now, which is pretty sad since I'm supposedly going into animation as a profession.

Anyhow, I think what I need is to get together with some folks, brainstorm, work shit out and make something happen. If you're interested in working with me or need help with an existing project or just want to come up with something entirely new drop me a line.

Even if you don't know flash you could potentially contribute any kind of artwork, sound design or just awesome story ideas.

Doesn't even have to be silly, I'm open to just about anything at this point.


Posted by fabulous999 - November 10th, 2008

The Suicide Bomber Game is just the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to newspapers starving for attention grabbing headlines. Here's a roundup of the most recent round of shit stirring.

http://digg.com/playable_web_games/Inv entor_of_Suicide_Bomber_Game_Says_It_s _No_Big_Deal
(Houston! lol)

http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/s tory/0,25197,24600265-12335,00.html
(Sam! roflmao)

http://www.casualgaming.biz/news/27893 /Nationals-slam-Suicide-Bomber-game
(Newsgrounds!?! roflmaolololol)

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews /3388318/Suicide-bomber-video-game-con demned-by-terror-victims.html
("Arab-looking cartoon man"! heehee, that's an acurate yet silly description)

http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/5 7179/Victims-fury-at-suicide-bomber-co mputer-game/
(What is this, a fucking tabloid? I guess that's where this trash fits in best.)

http://www.kotaku.com.au/games/2008/11 /suicide_bombing_game_too_dull_to_be_t ruly_offensive-2.html
(Yeah, nice fucking paragraph, did you write that on the toilet?)

http://www.independent.ie/opinion/colu mnists/ian-odoherty/ban-it-ban-it-imme diately-1526472.html
(Ireland has it all figured out! I owe Ian a large warm beer!)

Moral of the stories: I'm a bad and naughty person. And apparently games can be banned from the internet! WAT!?!


Posted by fabulous999 - October 18th, 2008

The Dicks, a Commie Faggot Band, emerged during the halcyon days of Austin, Texas punk. The scene centered around the local dive bar Raul's frequented by local freaks, artists, and soon-to-be punk rockers. The band was the creation of Gary Floyd, a 26 year old from Palestine, Texas who had been a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War and was openly, flamboyantly gay. Although he was advertising the Dicks before they were even an actual band, Floyd soon joined forces with three "terrorist thugs" to complete the group: guitarist Glen Taylor, bassist Buxf Parrot, and drummer Pat Deason. They started writing burly, blues-drenched punk anthems and began playing raucous, shows with local heroes the Big Boys. Unlike that band's funk-infused, high-production value drag show, the Dicks opted for a cruder but still spectacular approach. Gary Floyd would assault the audience with chocolate frosting pulled from his panties, inviting any rowdy audience members to suck his dick.
http://homepages.nyu.edu/~cch223/usa/d icks_main.html

The Dicks

Posted by fabulous999 - August 5th, 2008

But not today.

Someday I'll Have Real News Again

Posted by fabulous999 - August 2nd, 2008

Let's have a sideways, upside-down, backwards, back-door, frontwards, backwards, Western fuck bonanza! Who's with me!?!

Hey Hey Hey

Posted by fabulous999 - June 19th, 2008

Well, I guess I'm about due to make something again. Here's the concept; an adventure game roughly fashioned after African Detroit Cop centered around a vampire trying to prove he's not gay with lots of gore and physical comedy. It's a fucking winner, you'll see! Here's some concept art I made to whet your appetite, let's just hope I actually follow through, eh? How about everyone act really excited and bug me about it occasionally, it's the least you cocksuckers could do. It's in pre-pre-production so if anyone's interested in lending help let me know, but only if you've got mad skilz, g and no i don't need help with voices.

For super sweet ass hi-res version of this picture you should check out http://mistersasser.deviantart.com/

Introducing Dancylvania

Posted by fabulous999 - June 12th, 2008

HEINIKEN! Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!

Posted by fabulous999 - May 25th, 2008

You filthy fucking whore. Fuck you in the dirty cunt.